
Key Findings from 100+ Execulink Reviews

Key Findings from 100+ Execulink Reviews

Execulink Reviews: Key Findings from 100+ Reviews


Reading through the Execulink reviews found online, you will find that they have been given numerous positive reviews, especially related to their customer service. As with any Internet service, it has to be expected that there will be times when the service doesn’t work and therefore you will also find some negative comments as well. On the whole, we feel that Execulink has done a good job addressing these concerns. If you are considering switching to Execulink as your Internet Service Provider you may want to read through our key findings before making your final decision. We have compiled a list of common experiences that customers have encountered with Execulink and left on review sites. These have been divided into six categories including customer service, resolving issues, technical support, crediting customer accounts,  prices, and an alternative to the larger companies.

The following chart summarizes some of the key themes that customers wrote about in Execulink reviews. Read on to find out further details about each theme.

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1. Excellent Customer Service

We found the overwhelming consensus on the review sites we looked at was that Execulink excels in their customer service. Here are only a few of the positive comments that we found.

One customer on Google +  wrote “Amazing and friendly service and very inexpensive. I recently graduated from an online school program which required a lot of using the Internet and I have never had issues with Execulink. Only good things to say!”

And again on Google +  “Great customer and great service!”

Another satisfied customer writing a review on Sitejabber.com was so happy with the service provided that they were willing to actually recommend the company to friends.  “We have had internet and phone with Execulink for approx 2yrs now and I can’t think of one bad thing to say about them… I have recommended them to friends who have signed up and are very pleased with their service. Thanks Execulink for being AWESOME at providing an excellent service!!!”


2. Resolving Customer Issues by Offering Helpful Alternatives

Execulink does seem to care about their customers’ concerns and does make an effort to provide helpful alternatives as evidenced by the following long-time customer’s comment on CanadianISP.com. “Been with Execulink (originally GoldenTriangle) since 1998. Always have had great service. In the last year, we have noticed a drop in speed in the evening hours which is frustrating with three users in the home. Have called but service is only 6Mbps in this area. With that speed and problems in the evening can be frustrating.”

Execulink’s reply was very empathetic and did offer a viable alternative. Their customer service representative writes “We’re sorry to hear that your speeds have declined, but we thank you for reaching out to our technical support team. If you have our DSL Internet service currently, please call our Sales team to see if our Cable Internet service is available in your area. Perhaps this could offer you faster speeds. Thanks for your comment and for your loyalty for so many years.”

Even the fact that this customer has been with Execulink since 1998 is a real testimony to a great company; people don’t stay with Internet Service Providers that they aren’t happy with. They can usually easily switch to another company. Execulink obviously values their loyalty as evidenced by their response.

3. Great Technical Support

Drew Austin, who actually works in the industry, comments on safetodobusiness.com “I have worked as an IT Technician supporting many customers (Businesses & Residential Users) who use Execulink Telecom as their internet provider for the past 8 years. It has always been a pleasure dealing with their technical support. Unlike other ISPs, their focus is on actually helping you correct the issue at hand and not getting rid of you as quickly as possible.”


4. Crediting Account When the Service Was Down

A customer writing on Google + was extremely happy that when they had issues with their service dropping Execulink actually credited their account even though it wasn’t their fault. She writes “I love this company. It’s a little more, but you pay that extra on excellent Customer Service. Anyone complaining about services dropping that is usually a Bell or Rogers issue since they will own the lines. That is not the fault of Execulink, if anything when I had issues Execulink credited my account. I have been with them for more than 5 years. The only way I will leave is if I move out of their service area.” Now that is going the extra mile for the customer!

5. Awesome Price

Execulink offers very competitive prices that their customers seem very happy with as evidenced by these comments from customers on safetodobusiness.com.

“…Also, we even have the lowest plan for usage and we are online much of the day and night and we’ve always come in under our planned $60 per month plan! Hats off to Execulink!”

“Never had any complaints. I have DSL and it does what I need it to do and it is cheap and no contract.”

6. Great alternative to Bell or Rogers

We found in our search that many customers feel that Execulink is a great alternative to the larger companies like Bell or Rogers. A very satisfied customer writes on safetodobusiness.com“Excellent customer service and the Wifi is by far and wide MUCH BETTER, FASTER than Bell or Rogers, believe it or not!”

And again on safetodobusiness.com, another customer writes “Excellent alternative to the big guys for mobility, internet, home phones, etc”


In Conclusion

On the whole, the Execulink reviews were very positive.  Switching your Internet provider can be a big decision. As a business owner, it can mean huge savings if you choose the best one, or a lot of missed business if you get one that is unreliable. If you are unsure about the best option for your particular needs, talk to the experts at Network Telecom. We know telecommunications and we can answer any question that you may have, and we will answer your questions for free.


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