Cloud phone systems are quickly becoming the first choice for business telecommunications. If you are considering installing a cloud phone system, here are some things you need to know. Click on each section to learn more.

  1. What Are Cloud Phone Systems?
  2. Advantages of Installing Cloud Phone Systems
  3. How Long Does It Take to Install a Cloud Phone System?
  4. How to Choose the Best Company to Install Your Cloud Phone System.

If you are looking for a cloud phone service provider you can rely on, contact us.

Installing Cloud Phone Systems

1. What Are Cloud Phone Systems?

cloud phone systems

Cloud phone systems are cost-effective solutions for many businesses.

Cloud phone systems, also known as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone systems, use the internet to manage calls rather than traditional phone lines. They operate by converting voice signals into digital data packets, transmitting them over the internet, and reconverting them into voice at the other end.

These systems offer various features including the following:

  • Call forwarding
  • Voicemail
  • Call recording
  • Conferencing

They often provide scalability, allowing businesses to easily add or remove lines and extensions as needed.

Cloud phone systems are managed and hosted off-site by a third-party provider, reducing the need for extensive hardware and maintenance on the user’s end. This makes them a cost-effective and very flexible option from any location with internet connectivity.

2. Advantages of Installing Cloud Phone Systems

session initiation protocol

If you have remote workers, a cloud phone system is a great option.

Flexibility and Mobility:

Cloud phone systems enable your staff to work remotely giving them greater ease of mobility. Your employees can access your phone system from anywhere with an internet connection, allowing for seamless communication even when they are outside the office.


Cloud systems often have lower upfront costs and maintenance expenses compared to traditional phone systems. They typically operate on a subscription-based model, eliminating the need for you to pay for costly hardware installations and upgrades.


Cloud systems are highly scalable, allowing businesses to easily add or remove phone lines or extensions as needed. This scalability is particularly beneficial if you have a growing business or one with fluctuating communication needs.

Advanced Features:

Cloud-based phone systems offer a wide range of advanced features such as:

These features enhance productivity and streamline communication within the organization.

Reliability and Redundancy:


Cloud systems can provide you with the reliability you need.

Cloud systems are often hosted on redundant servers. A redundant server is a backup server that is basically a mirror image of the primary server. This means that if the primary server goes down, then the redundant server can take over. This backup system means that your phone system will be available when you need it and if there is downtime due to outages, the time you are down will be minimal.

In addition, cloud service providers typically have a robust infrastructure, which means that their systems have a very low failure rate, to further ensure that they are reliable.

Easy Maintenance and Updates:

Your cloud service provider will handle all the maintenance and updates that you require. This eliminates the need for your business to continually manage and pay for hardware or software updates.

Global Reach:

Cloud phone systems allow you to easily set up virtual phone numbers in different locations. For example, your main office may be located in Vancouver, but you can set up a virtual number to look like you are calling from Kitchener. This is a great feature as it enables your business to expand its reach by providing localized services.

Environmental Impact:

Cloud-based systems require fewer physical components, reducing the environmental impact associated with hardware manufacturing and disposal. This is a great feature, especially if your business is concerned with reducing its carbon footprint.

Cloud phone systems offer cost savings, flexibility, advanced features, reliability, and scalability, making them a compelling choice for businesses looking to modernize their communication infrastructure.

3. How Long Does It Take to Install a Cloud Phone System

installing cloud phone systems

Complex and larger cloud phone systems will take longer to install.

The time it takes to install a cloud phone system for your business can vary based on several factors such as the following:

Size and Complexity of the Business:

Larger enterprises with complex requirements will usually take longer to set up than a business with less complicated needs. The following factors will make the installation take longer:

  • Setting up multiple locations
  • Integrations with existing systems
  • Specific customization needs

Smaller businesses with straightforward communication needs usually have a quicker setup.

Preparation and Planning:

Before installation, there’s typically a planning phase involving the following:

  • Assessing your business’s requirements
  • Selecting the right service provider
  • Determining the necessary features
  • Configuring the system accordingly

This phase can vary in duration based on your business’s readiness and decision-making process.

Implementation and Configuration:

Implementing your cloud phone system will take longer if your system is larger and more complex.

The actual implementation of cloud phone systems involves the following steps:

  • Setting up accounts
  • Configuring settings
  • Adding extensions
  • Integrating with other systems if required

This process can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the complexity and size of the setup.


Training your employees to use the new system effectively is an essential part of the installation process. The duration of training can vary based on the complexity of the system and the familiarity of your employees with similar technologies.

Transition Period:

During the transition from your old phone system to the new cloud-based system, there might be a period where both systems run simultaneously to ensure a smooth transition. This overlap might extend the installation timeframe.

Generally, a straightforward installation for a small to medium-sized business without intricate customization can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks.

However, larger or more complex setups might take several weeks to fully implement and integrate into the business operations. Factors like the readiness of the business, vendor support, and the scope of the implementation play significant roles in determining the installation timeline.

4. How to Choose the Best Company to Install Your Cloud Phone System

business phone system upgrade

Figure out how many users you will have and the types of features you need.

Choosing the best company to install your cloud phone system involves several steps to ensure you select a provider that meets your business needs. These include the following:

Assess Your Requirements:

You need to understand your business’s communication needs, including the following:

  • The number of users
  • Desired features
  • Integration requirements
  • Scalability
  • Budget constraints

This will help you narrow down providers that align with your specific needs.

Research and Compare Providers:

Research different cloud phone system providers, considering factors like:

  • Reputation
  • Customer reviews
  • Service offerings
  • Pricing models
  • Reliability and uptime guarantees
  • Available features

Make a list of potential providers that seem to fit your requirements.

Check References and Reviews:

Take a look at the service provider’s Google reviews.

Ask for references from the providers and reach out to their existing clients to gather feedback asking them about the following:

  • Their experience with the service
  • Installation process
  • Customer support
  • Overall satisfaction

Online reviews and testimonials can also provide insights into the provider’s reliability and performance.

Evaluate Support and Service Level Agreements (SLAs):

Ask about and assess the level of support offered by the provider. Find out important information such as:

Reliable customer support is crucial in case of any issues or system downtime.

Consider Integration and Scalability:

Ensure that the provider’s system can integrate smoothly with your existing tools or software. Additionally, consider the provider’s ability to scale the system as your business grows or if you need to add more features or users in the future.

Check Security Measures:

ethernet software

Ask about the security features the service provider offers.

Security is paramount when dealing with cloud phone systems. You should ask about the following from the service provider you are considering:

This is especially important if your business deals with sensitive information.

Evaluate Costs and Contracts:

Compare pricing structures among providers asking about their setup fees and monthly subscriptions. You should also find out if there are any additional charges for extra features and look closely at their contract terms. Ensure that the pricing aligns with your budget and that there are no hidden costs.

Seek Customization Options:

Determine if the provider offers customization options to tailor the system according to your business’s unique needs. This could include specific call routing, branded greetings, or other personalized features.

Final Decision:

After a thorough evaluation and comparison, make an informed decision based on the provider that best aligns with your business requirements. You also want to choose a company that offers reliable service and has a track record of customer satisfaction.

Taking these steps will help ensure that you choose a reliable and suitable provider for installing your cloud phone system, ultimately benefiting your business’s communication infrastructure.

Installing Cloud Phone Systems? Trust Network Telecom

If you are wanting to install a cloud phone system, we can help. We have extensive experience in telecommunications and will make sure that your transition to a new system is as smooth as possible.

Whatever your business telecommunications needs are, Network Telecom is here for you. We have been selling, installing, and servicing every type of phone system for over 40 years. We can even help with training your employees on the features of your new phone system so that you can use it as efficiently as possible.

If your phone system is not working as it should, our trained technicians are available to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. We carry a huge selection of parts in order to quickly solve any component issues you are experiencing.

network telecom
Network Telecom

In addition to our accredited and certified technical expertise, we offer:

“Network Telecom was wonderful to work with. Helpful and knowledgeable, their team transitioned our office to the new phone system with ease. They were also available to answer concerns and provide additional support post transition. Would definitely recommend their services. Thank you to the team at Network Telecom!”

Federal Screen Products Inc

“We just had an installation done today and it was a great experience. I am not at all tech savvy but everything was explained in a helpful and patient manner. The system seems great and we are really looking forward to running a more efficient office. Highly recommended!”

Bant Mental Health Solutions

“Outstanding Service! We had a full phone system installed at a brand new facility and the experience was great. From sales to service the team followed through. The support we have received so far has been excellent. During our install the Network Telecom team even stepped in to help another company who couldn’t complete their portion of the install on time. They truly understand the big picture and will do what it takes to ensure the install is completed to keep your business up and running. 10/10”

Shawn Hagen