Choosing business phone systems can be confusing. That’s why we have created this overview of the pros and cons of business phone systems. At Network Telecom we believe strongly in assisting our clients in any way we can – especially when it comes to navigating through the technological changes that are affecting the telecommunications industry. Contact us at Network Telecom if you have any questions about business phone systems. Although we specialize in Avaya, Panasonic, and Nortel products, we can assist you in the purchase of other business phone systems.

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Type of Phone



Avaya 9508 PhoneSometimes choosing the biggest is the best way to go.


There are Avaya phones suitable for almost every type of business ranging from the smallest to the largest. Avaya is a huge, international company that services 95% of the Fortune 500 companies and organizations. That means that you know you are getting a tremendously successful product with a vast support network behind it. Avaya phones are compatible with Nortel products, giving them a huge advantage.


There are very few reported negatives with this product. There was a concern in the past that they did not have sufficient lower end models, but that is no longer the case.


Panasonic phones


Panasonic phones have a wide range of useful features


This giant technological company is based in Japan and sells its products worldwide. Like Avaya, Panasonic phones have a wide range of features and are particularly well suited for small to medium sized businesses. Network Telecom specializes in the sale and installation of Panasonic business phone systems.


Panasonic is a tremendously successful technology company with a wide range of business phone options. One drawback is that they are not compatible with Nortel products.


samsung 7200

A well-known brand name known for quality

Particularly suitable for small to medium businesses, Samsung phones are reliable and have a wide range of features to choose from. With the technological know-how of a gigantic corporation behind their products, Samsung is known for the quality of their products. Samsung products are a reliable choice for your business needs.


Although a great product, these phones are not compatible with Nortel systems which may be problematic for those wishing to integrate them with an older system.




Suitable for smaller businesses

V-Tech’s greatest strength is that their products are relatively inexpensive. This means that they can be suitable for very small businesses. However, if you are looking for a new business phone system, their comparative lack of features makes them a less suitable choice for middle to large size companies.


The limited number of features makes them useful really only for the smallest of businesses.



cisco data_sheet_c78-603725_1

A large, well-known company

Cisco products are well-respected by technicians for their quality and wide and comprehensive product range. Cisco has been around for many years and are very well respected in the telecommunications industry.


Cisco’s products tend to be higher end, making them less suitable for smaller businesses.



Nortel phone

Many business owners still use phones from this former giant.

It is still possible to obtain used Nortel hardware from this former giant in the industry. In addition, it is possible to get replacement parts for many of their products and have them professionally repaired. Another option is to gradually phase out Nortel products by replacing them with compatible Avaya units.


They are no longer in business.




Toshiba products are intuitive and easy to use.

Toshiba is a very large Japanese company that is involved in the manufacture and distribution of a wide variety of electronic products. Their products are known to be particularly intuitive and easy to use, making them a good choice for smaller businesses.


They are not compatible with Nortel products making it difficult for a business owner to transition to a new business phone system.




RCA phones are relatively inexpensive

RCA is a large, well-known international company. They produce excellent, sophisticated products that are well suited to the business world. Their lineup is less expensive than other brands making them suitable for smaller businesses.


Their product reviews tend to point to an inferior product when compared with the more well-known business phone systems.


“I am so pleased with the service and the system your team installed. Every one of you did an outstanding job just as you promised and just as I had heard. You never let me down one step of the way.”

-Joe CayenCanadian Tire, Smith Falls branch

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At Network Telecom we recommend, install, and maintain voice and data communications systems in Kitchener, Ontario and throughout Canada. We can meet every communication systems need that you have through our highly trained and professional staff. We have decades of experience in the sale and installation of business phone systems. Network Telecom was formerly known as Smiston Communications.