What are the 5 must-read articles for buying a new business phone system? We have compiled a list of our favorites here. The key articles, in no particular order, are: 

Choosing a new business telephone system can be confusing, but these articles help to clarify the decision making process. Contact us at Network Telecom if you are considering upgrading or replacing your existing business phone system.

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From Business News Daily comes an excellent article entitled “Choosing a Business Phone System: 2016 Buyer’s Guide.” which rightly informs the buyer that there are key questions to answer. In fact, the article begins by informing the reader that there are 3 key questions they need to ask before buying a system. These questions relate to:

  • deciding between a physical and virtual system
  • choosing a traditional landline or VoIP system
  • deciding whether to have the service self-hosted or hosted by the provider

Explanations of these different types of systems and concepts are given, allowing the reader to more fully grasp the broad spectrum of choice that is available today. Featuring a FAQ section, this post is a must-read for anyone in the market for a new system.

Number 2 – How To Buy A Business Telephone System

Published by “The Balance,” the post entitled “How to Buy a Business Telephone System,” is packed with useful information – especially around the idea of making a wise choice based on your requirements.  Although the focus is primarily on phone system features, the article does also provide paragraphs about finding a phone system dealer and calculating the total cost. The main points that are covered include:

  • Features needed
  • Advanced features
  • System size requirements
  • Finding a system dealer
  • Calculating total cost

We recommend this post as a summary of some of the key decisions that have to be made, particularly for a small business owner.

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Number 3 – Choosing The Right Business Phone Systembusiness phone system

For a thorough, well laid out article, you will be hard-pressed to find a better post than this one from Telephone Systems Guide entitled “Choosing the Right Business Phone System.”  This comprehensive article has 3 sections dealing with a variety of topics.

Section titles are as follows:

  • An Overview – What Is A Business Phone System?
  • Is It Time For An Upgrade
  • Choosing A New Phone System For Your Business
  • How To Future-Proof Your Business Phone System For 2016 And Beyond

With numerous illustrations and diagrams, the article is not a quick read, but it is worth the time invested. Taking stock of your current situation before planning an upgrade is the key take away.

Number 4 – Phone Systems On A Shoestring Budget

For a post with a different approach take a look at “Phone Systems On A Shoestring Budget,” from Techsoup. This article helps the non-technical reader wade through some of the differences between VoIP, POTS, and PBX. Although a number of technical terms are discussed, they are explained well and will help the layman more fully understand the huge changes that the once humble telephone system is undergoing.

The conclusion to the article suggests that it is “important to think ahead in terms of the system itself,” which we believe is critical for decision-making. It is also encouraging to know that there are good options available for those on a tight budget.

“I am so pleased with the service and the system your team installed. Every one of you did an outstanding job just as you promised and just as I had heard. You never let me down one step of the way.”

Joe CayenCanadian Tire, Smith Falls branch

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phone systemsNumber 5 -Top 6 Considerations When Buying a Phone System

For a short, quick read that covers the fundamental areas to consider when exploring the possibility of a new or upgraded phone system, check out Cisco’s “Top 6 Considerations When Buying A Phone System.” We believe that this post covers the key factors to consider, and does so in a condensed, easy-to-read format for the business owner to use as a check list. Don’t expect a lot of detail, but use it to help frame a round table discussion with key players in your decision-making process.

Bonus – How To Choose The Best Phone System

None of the above articles will take long to read so, as a bonus, we are providing you with a link to our own post “How To Choose The Best Phone System.” As phone systems come with a bewildering array of features and options, it is important to understand what your business really needs. This post helps walk you through the process. At Network Telecom we believe in making the complicated easily understood, so contact us and let us share our knowledge with you so you, like so many others, can benefit from our decades of involvement in the ever-evolving world of the telephone.