NOTE: Because of the popularity of this article, we’ve written a follow-up article called “What is the Future Of Business Communications in 2022?”, that provides an update on each of the topics covered below.
Click the button below to check out that article:
What Is The Future Of Business Communications in 2020? Like almost all other industries around the world, business communications are continually transforming.
At the start of 2020, we are already seeing trends towards a new future of business communications. These trends include a heightened focus on cybersecurity, greater use of cloud services, integration of the “Internet of Things” (IoT), increased smart technology, and 5G internet.
Continue reading to learn about each of these trends, or trust the telecommunications experts at Network Telecom today to learn about integrating these trends into your business!
1. Improved Cybersecurity
2. Increased Use of Cloud Services
3. Integrating the “Internet of Things”
4. Smart Technology
5. Widespread 5G Use
Network Telecom has been in the telecommunications market since 1979 and we have constantly been keeping pace with the rapid changes in telecommunications. We are experts in our field and we can help your business excel through all of these changes.
If you are looking for telecommunications services you can trust, contact Network Telecom.
What Is The Future Of Business Communications in 2020?
Communications is integral to all businesses, both small local companies and large corporations. As technology continues to steadily transform, so does the business communications world. Continue reading to learn more about the five biggest trends we see continuing to gain prevalence in the near future.
1. Improved Cybersecurity
As cybersecurity risks become more common, businesses are working towards a safer workplace.
Cybersecurity has become a prominent focus of many businesses as hacks, information leaks, and security breaches all become more and more common. Even just a few years ago, many smaller businesses thought that cybersecurity was only something large corporations had to worry about. After all, we generally only heard about cyber attacks against huge corporations such as Yahoo and LinkedIn.
However, more small and medium-sized businesses are becoming increasingly aware of the security risks to their business. Small businesses are actually at greater risk of a cyber attack, due to a lack of security measures, inadequate employee training, and a general lack of security resources (such as trained personnel). One study found that small businesses accounted for 70% of data breaches!
As businesses become more aware of these potential cybersecurity risks, we are now seeing a trend towards a heightened focus on cybersecurity as well as increased quality of existing cybersecurity technologies. Businesses both big and small are taking extra measures to protect confidential and business information.
Businesses are ensuring their employees receive training in cybersecurity best practices, such as frequent password changes and learning to scope out phishing emails. Over the next few years, we’ll continue to see an increased focus on protecting employee, client, and business information through improved cybersecurity technologies as well as greater training.
2. Increased Use of Cloud Services
Companies will continue to use cloud-based technology for security, convenience, and to reduce environmental impact.
It’s really no surprise to see that companies are relying more on cloud services when we take a look at the greater cybersecurity landscape. With an increased awareness of cybersecurity risks comes an increased need to utilize new technologies that will help protect information. Cloud services are one of the ways that businesses are doing just that!
Although cloud services and cloud computing is not a new trend by any means, what is new is the increased use and implementation of cloud services in businesses across Canada and the world! As more businesses aim to reduce their vulnerability to security breaches and leaks, they are using cloud services to keep information backed up and secure.
Some employees may be worried about the safety and security of cloud services. You can help ease employee’s concerns by educating them on the security of cloud services, and by thoroughly training them on safe practices. When used properly, cloud services can help address many security concerns. However, that is not the only reason why businesses are sending their information ‘to the cloud!’
More consumers and businesses are focused on environmental sustainability. Utilizing cloud services helps to reduce the need for paper documents and can help reduce your company’s environmental impact. One study done on American consumers found that 92% of respondents were more likely to trust a company that supports social or environmental issues.
Utilizing cloud services is one way to reduce waste and help show your clients and customers that your business cares for the environment. On top of all that, cloud services are also easy to use and allow for quick sharing of information between workers. As more and more employees work remotely at least once per week, cloud services are an ideal solution for our changing business environment.
3. Integrating the “Internet of Things”
The “Internet of things” (also known as IoT), is the concept of connecting anything that has a power source to the Internet. This includes some of the more obvious technologies, such as cell phones and computers, but can also include appliances, coffee makers, lights, doors, and more.
It is estimated that by 2020, there will be over 26 billion connected devices on the Internet! Learn more about IoT in the video below:
When it comes to the future of business communications, we will continue to see increased use of the Internet of Things, as well as increased spending in order to integrate these technologies. The telecommunications sector is the #4 top spender when it comes to IoT – by the end of 2018, it was estimated that spending would be around 169.5 million!
IoT is not just one technology, it is a collection of many different technologies. Some have been around for quite some time, such as Bluetooth. Others are newer and just recently gaining traction. For example, M2M technology (Machine to Machine technology) is increasing in popularity among many industries. From
“In particular, the M2M technology, which is accompanying IoT concept, provides the ability to collect critical business data on an ongoing basis. It maintains a constant relationship between all electronic active devices within your organization.”
Over the next few years, into 2020 and beyond, expect to see more and more devices around your office connected to the internet. Businesses will use IoT technologies to collect important data, and you will likely see a greater focus on training employees on the proper use of these new technologies.
4. Smart Technology
When you see that IoT is becoming more popular, it is definitely not a surprise to learn that smart technology is also a trend that many businesses will pick up on over the next few years. When it comes to many people’s personal lives, smart technology is already becoming more integrated – we are seeing smart phones, smart watches, and even smart homes!
Smart technology is becoming more integrated into the business communication world. Smart technology is more than just answering your phone from your watch or using your phone to turn on the lights. Smart technology can be used to automate nearly everything in the office. Check out the quick video below to see what the future of your office could look like.
A smart office is almost fully automated by smart technology.
Communications workers will need to learn how to operate more sophisticated smart systems such as entire smart office technologies. Within the next few years, it is likely that more and more offices will be fully or partially automated, and that is something business communications workers will need to familiarize themselves with.
It is important, however, to keep in mind that employees may have difficulty adopting new technologies. This is especially true for bigger shifts and changes, such as the integration of smart technology. Interact has a few solutions for this potential challenge. They recommend building a roll-out plan and keeping employees informed, as well as making training on new technologies fun. You can learn more about their recommendations here.
5. Widespread 5G Use
As more devices in the workplace connect to the internet, businesses will need faster and more reliable connections.
It is predicted that by 2020, many more devices will be connected to the internet. With more devices connected, that means office buildings will rely more on the internet than ever before. Because of this, the need for quicker and more reliable internet will also increase.
As businesses require faster and more efficient internet, telecom carriers are working hard to provide the market with 5G networks. It’s expected that complete, mass-market 5G coverage is scheduled to occur by 2020. If your business is ready to start using 5G, it’s important to understand just what 5G is.
So, what is it? 5G is the fifth generation in cellular wireless. The “G” in 5G simply stands for “generation.” The generations began with 1G – analog cellular technology. Then, we saw 2G (the first digital cellular technologies), 3G (characterized by faster speeds from 200Kbps) and 4G (which includes technologies such as WiMAX and LTE).
Now, with 5G, we see an increase in what the network can provide. 5G networks are able to:
- Deliver fibre-level speed, which can move more data
- Provide low latency – meaning greater responsiveness
- Function without negative impact from environmental factors (such as rain and snow)
- Connect more devices at the same time
Canadian telecom providers have been testing 5G networks, but have yet to announce when they will be available to customers. However, many of those in telecommunications predict that by 2020, most businesses will have adopted 5G networks as the standard for their organization.
Trust Network Telecom To Help You Keep Up to Date with the Latest Telecommunications Trends!
If you need to update your current business phone system, partner with Network Telecom. We can help you choose a phone system that is perfect for your business.
Whether you are looking to have a new phone system installed or your current system updated, you can trust Network Telecom to offer you the expert advice you require.
Network Telecom assisted us in moving and upgrading our system when we moved into a new facility. They have been with us while we grew and made additional changes. They are there for us when needed and have provided us with our equipment and program changes. They are a great group to work with.
Network Telecom can also help you with video conferencing solutions that will meet your business’ particular needs.
In addition, if your phone system is not working as it should, our trained technicians are available to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. If you are having a telecommunication or networking issue, we can resolve it quickly and professionally.
In addition to our accredited and certified technical expertise, we offer:
- Consultative Sales
- Cloud Services
- Ongoing Support
- Voice Mail Systems
- System Design + Consulting
- System Admin + User Training
- PA Systems
- VoIP Specialist
- Network Cabling
Contact us today for all of your telecommunication questions and concerns; we’d be happy to help you.